Friday, November 22, 2013

You are what you said


"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people"

Exceptionally,  it's good  to listen about distinguished and great figures..why he / she is becoming such a great person?

But sometimes, we just spit out words without thinking carefully, especially when we are in a haste and badly emotional.(Yeah, I admit sometimes I accidentally did it, recalling those scenes make me deeply regretting it ):

I also observed that when we talked too much, we tend to hurt others' feelings, or it's us who got hurt. In any case, too much words don't guarantee that we only said what is needed to said at that time, and , in many cases,  too much talking about nonsense things , actually, left the listeners and the talker as well, feeling anyone agree with me??

And about how to manage our words and indirectly manage our times in order for us to become more productive ( yet I'm also not a good time manager and there are still  lots of things I've got to learn) , I want to share another awesome quotation I found in an article:

                                                .... يعمل صاحب الفعل القوي ويترك عمله يتكلم عنه


Saturday, November 2, 2013

C'mmon !

macam tak bole buat jer...macam tak boleh jer...takpe lah...kasi orang lainlah....

semangat kurang,,,
keyakinan diri kurang,,,, takut untuk mencuba..terlalu memikirkan kesan dan apa kata orang :/

hakikatnya, semua org akan start with 0, dr  kekalahan itulah boleh bangkit dan improve ...

 jika kita sndiri sering memenuhkan minda kita dengan fikiran negatif, tak ada siapa yang bole tolong kita..

Teringat kata-kata Farrah Adeeba di Persidangan Serikandi Islam (PERSIS) , lebih kurang ayat beliau:

'Hakikatnya tidak semua orang disukai 100% '

Quoted somewhere  :

"Orang yang terlalu memikirkan akibat sesuatu perkara tidak akan menjadi seorang yang berani "

                                               "وإذا عزمت فتوكل على الله"